How we treat
Regardless of how you become a client with us, either referred from your employer, insurer or just finding us on the internet our main concern is your successful treatment and a positive customer experience. To achieve that end our experienced therapists have a wide range of treatment modalities available to them.
When you contact us our informed booking team will ask some basic questions to establish which type of therapy would be most appropriate. If your condition is not something normally treated by one of our services we can still point you in the direction of a relevant healthcare provider. We can provide limited advice over the phone, but only an assessment with a qualified therapist will provide comprehensive understanding of your condition and treatment options.
The initial assessment for new clients typically last for 60 minutes and includes some treatment and advice. We have large team of experienced therapists, many of whom are specialists in specific types of therapy, such as neurological or musculoskeletal therapy. Your subsequent treatments will be a series of 30 minute sessions, where you will receive further treatment and have your rehabilitation progress continually reviewed.
Your therapist will develop a treatment plan with you including specific and achievable recovery goals. Once you have achieved your goals or your therapist feels you are capable of self-managing the rest of your recovery you will be discharged, with advice on avoiding similar issues in future.
If you require treatment or would like to know more about the rehabilitation process please contact us directly via email at or phone us on 0330 088 7800.