What is a muscular strain in the neck?
A muscular strain in the neck is damage to the muscle tissue in the neck region. A physiotherapy programme can resolve symptoms of a neck muscular strain.
Above: Trigger point massage applied to trapezius muscle
What can cause a muscular strain in the neck?
A muscular strain in the neck can be caused by numerous factors. These include; an overstretching injury, a sudden movement, sitting with a poor posture for prolonged periods, sleeping without proper pillow support and keeping the neck in a prolonged position (such as holding a telephone handset between your ear and shoulder).
What are the symptoms of a muscular strain in the neck?
A muscular strain in the neck usually presents as an aching pain and significant stiffness in the neck area. The pain may also be associated with headaches. Other symptoms include:
Above: Trigger point massage applied to trapezius muscle
What should I do if I have a muscular strain in my neck?
If you think that you have a muscular strain of your neck you should arrange a physiotherapy assessment as soon as possible. In the meantime you should gently keep your neck moving and ensure that you maintain a good posture at all times.
What shouldn’t I do if I have a muscular strain in my neck?
If you have a muscular strain in your neck you should not ignore the problem in the hope that it will simply go away with time. If left untreated, a muscular strain in the neck can lead to longstanding (or chronic) neck pain and discomfort, reduced range of movement and ongoing headaches.
Above: Experienced Physiotherapist conducting an assessment of the cervical spine, muscles and connective tissues in the neck
Physiotherapy for a muscular strain in the neck.
Physiotherapy treatment is very important in the treatment of a muscular strain in the neck. Initially, your physiotherapist will be able to diagnose your injury and determine its severity. During the assessment your physiotherapist will develop an appropriate treatment plan. Treatment will initially be focussed on reducing your pain and increasing the range of movement in your neck. These techniques may include:
Does a muscular strain in the neck have any long-term effects?
Above: Soft tissue massage of the muscle and connective tissues in the neck by specialist MSK therapist
If managed correctly, a muscular strain in the neck should not lead to any long term effects. If, however, your strain is inadequately managed your symptoms may not resolve completely or you may find that you have ongoing sporadic flare ups of your neck pain and / or stiffness. Physiotherapy can still help months, weeks or years after your injury but to successfully rehabilitate your neck may take longer.
To arrange a physiotherapy appointment call Physio.co.uk on 0330 088 7800 or book online.