sensory Integration service
At we aim to meet the needs of your child with our flexible yet comprehensive physiotherapy service. This means that we have highly skilled paediatric physiotherapists who are able to provide a range of different treatments when and where your child needs them.
What is sensory integration?
Sensory integration is a treatment for sensory processing disorders. Sensory processing disorders (SPD’s) are neurological impairments which cause children to process environmental sensations in an inappropriate way. SPD’s are often associated with children with developmental disabilities, autism and attention deficits some of the common characteristics of children with SPD’s include:
- Hyper activity
- High risk taking
- Clumsiness
- Poor visual tracking
- Problems with balance
- Poor awareness of pain
- Listening to loud sounds
- Poor motor skills
- Problems with sequencing
- Self injury
Above: Mobilisation and stretch exercises applied by a paediatric physiotherapist
Who Benefits from sensory integration?
Sensory integration is a specialist form of therapy designed to help with sensory processing disorders. This disorder is more likely to occur in some the conditions listed below for more information please click on any of the conditions.
- Autism
- Developmental Delay
- Attention deficit disorder
What does sensory integration involve?
Depending on your child’s sensory deficit your physiotherapist will expose them to sensory experiences designed to accustom them to a particular stimuli. This will in turn reduce their abnormal responses in daily life. The programme may utilise many different activities and some examples are listed below.
- Deep pressure joint compression exercises
- Weighted vests
- Body massage
- Body brushing
- Oral motor exercises
- Social Stimulation
What are the advantages of sensory integration?
Sensory integration aims to reduce the inappropriate behaviours which are produced by different stimuli. This means that the child with the condition is able to integrate and socialise more with their peers. Some of the key advantages are listed below.
- Enhanced focus in education
- Reduced rate of problem behaviours
- Improved cognitive activity
- Improved literacy
- Enhanced focus in therapy settings
- Enhanced focus in social environments
- Improved linguistics
To find out more about the sensory integration at or to make an appointment today, then please contact us by calling 0330 088 7800 or emailing You can additionally make your appointments online today!