Respiratory conditions can have a significant impact on exercise tolerance and independence with everyday activities. Physiotherapy is focused on maximising physical function and helping you manage your symptoms.
Above: Active cycle of breathing exercises supervised by a specialist physiotherapist
Respiratory treatment will depend on your individual condition and symptoms but include:
- Active Cycle of Breathing
- Auscultation
- Autogenic Drainage
- Buteyko Breathing Technique
- Cornet
- Cough Assist Machine
- Deep Breathing Exercises
- Exercise Tolerance
- Flutter
- Forced Expiratory Technique
- Glossopharyngeal Breathing
- Incentive Spirometry
- Inhaler Technique
- Mechanical Ventilation
- Mobility / Passive Limb Movements
- Nasopharyngeal Suction
- Nebulisers
- Non Invasive Positive-Pressure Ventilation (NIPPV)
- Oral Suction
- Oxygen Therapy
- Palliative Care
- Papworth Breathing
- PEP Mask
- Percussion
- Positioning
- Postural Drainage
- Pranayama Breathing Techniques
- Rib Springing
- Vibrations