Anorectal dysfunctions in men are problems associated with an individual’s bowel movements. Some problems may result in men experiencing difficulties passing faeces / stools or in some cases faeces may leak due to an inability to control bowel movements. Also anorectal problems may involve frequently passing wind as a result of decreased bowel control. Anorectal dysfunction in men may be caused by a variety of factors including
muscle weakness around the anus, pelvic floor or abdominal weakness and
neurological disorder or injury. Additionally anorectal problems may be a result of surgery in this area such as
prostate surgery.
Above: Improving abdominal and pelvic muscle control with assistance from a specialist physiotherapist
What anorectal problems does physiotherapy with help with?
Physiotherapy with will help you overcome these problems, prevent future problems occurring and help you get back to normal everyday activities without the added embarrassment or stress that is associated with anorectal dysfunctions.
If you?re looking for more information or would like to arrange an appointment, please call on 0330 088 7800. You can also make appointments online today!