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Neuropathic pain is a pain that is caused by problems with the signals that travel from the nerves to the brain. Physiotherapy is an effective method of treatment that can help reduce symptoms related to neuropathic pain.

What is neuropathic pain?

Pain can either be nociceptive pain or neuropathic pain. Nociceptive pain is a result of actual or potential damage to the tissues or nerves. Nociceptive pain is when pain messages are sent from the nerves to the brain in response to damage such as a cut, burn or an injury.

Neuropathic pain is a complex, long term pain that is caused by problems with one or more nerves. Neuropathic pain differs from normal pain experienced (nociceptive) in that there is often no tissue damage. With neuropathic pain, the nerve fibers themselves can be damaged, injured or dysfunction. Nerve dysfunction results in pain messages being wrongly sent from the nerves to the brain. Neuropathic pain is characterised by a burning, stabbing or shooting pain in the affected area.

Physiotherapy with employs a variety of treatment methods and activities that will help minimise symptoms, increase energy levels and improve general wellbeing which has been affected by neuropathic pain.

Accupuncture can be effective in reducing painful symptomsAbove: Accupuncture can be effective in reducing painful symptoms

What causes neuropathic pain?

There are a number of conditions that affect the nerves and therefore will result in neuropathic pain. These conditions include;

What are the symptoms of neuropathic pain?

Neuropathic pain is characterised by a number of presenting symptoms around the affected area including; There is no pattern to when neuropathic episodes may occur. The pain may vary in severity and can be continuous or it may come and go. In some cases, neuropathic pain is extremely debilitating andmay result in reduced mobility, decreased fitness levels and a worsened quality of life. There are a variety of current treatment options for relieving the symptoms related to neuropathic pain such as medication, relaxation techniques and nerve stimulation. Physiotherapy is a valuable approach that aims to help reduce problems caused by neuropathic pain.

Specialist MSK therapist performing deep tissue massage to relieve pain and stiffnessAbove: Specialist MSK therapist performing deep tissue massage to relieve pain and stiffness

What physiotherapy treatment am I likely to receive to treat neuropathic pain?

If you are experiencing neuropathic pain, physiotherapy with can help reduce the symptoms that are associated with your condition. The main aims of physiotherapy will be to relieve symptoms, restore function and reduce the pain in the affected areas.Specialist physiotherapists at the clinic will provide you with a comprehensive assessment that will firstly reproduce the pain to determine the main cause and triggers of your neuropathic pain. Your assessment will consist of questions related to your everyday life and hobbies and will then go on to decide on personal goals and treatment to suit your needs. Your physiotherapist will develop a personal physiotherapy programme that will include activities aimed at minimising the problems you are living with. Your physiotherapy programme will include activities such as; The success of your physiotherapy will majorly depend on your adherence and commitment to the programme that has been provided by your physiotherapist.

Trigger point massage to relieve painful muscle spasmAbove: Trigger point massage to relieve painful muscle spasm


Neuropathic pain is a disturbance of the function of a nerve or a pathological change occurring in a nerve. The pain is initiated by damage or injury to the nerves of the nervous system. This nerve dysfunction results in pain messages being wrongly sent from the nerves to the brain. Neuropathic pain is characterised by a burning, stabbing or shooting pain in the affected area. There are a number of conditions that affect the nerves such as neuralgia (trigeminal or postherpetic), multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, infection (HIV / shingles etc), trauma or surgery. Physiotherapy is a valuable method that offers a variety of activities that aim to ease the discomfort that is associated with neuropathic pain. Specialist physiotherapists at will focus on reducing pain and improve everyday functions that may will have been affected by neuropathic pain. Call now on 0330 088 7800 for more information or to book an appointment please contact us. You can also book an appointment online today!

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