What are paediatric handwriting problems?
Handwriting problems are linked to co-ordination problems and are a result of decreased fine motor skills. The child will find it difficult to use and control their hands and fingers for small movements. This makes handwriting difficult due to the control that is needed over a pencil/pen to write. This can have an effect on the child’s learning development at school.
Above: Functional fine motor skills practiced under supervision of a neurological physiotherapist
What causes handwriting problems in children?
Handwriting problems can be caused by poor motor function in the hands. It can also be a result of general co-ordination problems, so handwriting may not be the only problem. These co-ordination problems can be a result of neurological conditions such as learning difficulties or behavioural disorders.
What are the symptoms of handwriting problems in children?
Some of the main signs to look for are:
- Difficulty gripping the pencil/pen
- Lack of control over the pencil/pen
- Frustration at lack of progress
What can physiotherapy do to help children with handwriting problems?
Physiotherapy treatment will mainly consist of exercises and activities to improve fine motor skills and co-ordination. They will also be aimed at improving dexterity and flexibility. If further co-ordination problems are found then these will also be treated, however if there are problems that physiotherapy cannot improve then our specialised physiotherapists are happy to refer the child onto a specialist.
Handwriting problems can be a result of poor fine motor skills or general co-ordination problems. This can have an effect on the child’s learning development at school. Physiotherapy can help to improve handwriting problems.
To arrangean appointment with Physio.co.uk call now on 0330 088 7800 or for more information please contact us.