- Common causes of pain
- Symptoms of pain and how to control them
- Training in posture and lifting skills at home and work
- The role of exercise
- Pacing techniques
- Sleep management
- Relaxation techniques
Above: Therapist educating client about thier condition and treatment plan
At Physio.co.uk we believe education is an important part of your rehabilitation and is frequently used in conjunction with exercise and hand on techniques for the best possible outcome. Your physiotherapist at Physio.co.uk will provide education specific to your condition in order that you reach your maximum potential. Education about your condition will also:
- Improve fitness, mobility and posture
- Help you continue with the activities you enjoy
- Improve mood and confidence
- Improve stress management and sleep
- Reduce effects of pain on your daily life
- Enhance independence and maintenance of treatment gains
Above: Therapist educating client about thier condition and treatment plan
If you would like more information on the education we provide at Physio.co.ukor to book an appointment please call 0330 088 7800, or alternatively book online.