What is it biceps tendinopathy?
Biceps tendinopathy is inflammation within the tendon which connects the biceps muscle on the front of the upper arm with the shoulder. Physiotherapy is a very effective way of treating biceps tedino pathy.
Above: Upper arm passive stretch exercises applied by therapist
What causes biceps tendinopathy?
Biceps tendinopathy is usually caused by from overuse of the biceps tendon. Repetitive use of the biceps muscle and, therefore, the biceps tendon can cause microscopic tears within the tendon. These tears cause inflammation. This inflammation within the tendon is tendinopathy.
What are the symptoms of biceps tendinopathy?
Biceps tendinopathy causes gradual onset of pain in the top of the upper arm. At first this pain may only be present after exercise. You may also experience stiffness and / or tightness in your shoulder. The initial signs of biceps tendinopathy are often ignored as they disappear quickly with use of the arm or applying heat (i.e. a hot shower) over the shoulder and upper arm. However, without treatment, the tendinopathy can progress and the pain within the tendon can become more intense and more frequent. At this stage the pain may be present during exercise. In the earlier stages, this pain during participation may initially disappear as you warm-up, only to return after exercise. However, as you continue to exercise, the tendinopathy worsens and your pain may begin to be present for longer periods during exercise until it is present all of the time.
Above: Our therpaist are friendly and caring towards your needs and want to ensure you get the best from your treatment.
Other symptoms of biceps tendinopathy includes::
- reduced range of movement
- swelling/inflamation
- stiffness
- weakness
- numbness
- spasm
- tingling / pins and needles
What should I do if I have biceps tendinopathy?
Biceps tendinopathy generally does not get better on its own if the cause is not addressed and you continue to exercise. If you have or suspect you have biceps tendinopathy, you should arrange a physiotherapy appointment with Physio.co.uk. In the meantime you can begin initial treatment. This should consist of icing following participation. You should apply crushed ice wrapped in a moist towel over the sore site for 15-20 minutes.
Biceps tendinopathy physiotherapy treatment.
The assistance of a physiotherapist is important in the treatment of biceps tendinopathy. Initially, they can assist in diagnosing the problem and assessing its severity. The physiotherapists at Physio.co.uk will determine an appropriate treatment plan. This may involve activity modification, electrotherapy, soft tissue treatment such as massage and stretching, and the progression through a series of specific strengthening exercises. Your physiotherapist will also be able to give you advice on why you developed biceps tendinopathy to prevent a re-occurrence when you return to full activity. Other potential treatments include:
What shouldn’t I do if I have biceps tendinopathy?
If you have or suspect you have biceps tendinopathy you shouldn’t ignore it. Your pain may get better as you exercise, however, the exercise you are doing may be interfering with the healing process and causing further damage. This can lead to your injury getting worse. If this occurs, your recovery may be prolonged and it may take a number of weeks or months for you to return to full fitness.
Can biceps tendinopathy have any long-term effects?
Biceps tendinopathy does not produce any long-term effects if it is properly diagnosed and appropriately treated. If not, it can lead to prolonged pain in the upper arm and a prolonged lay-off from exercise.
To arrange a physiotherapy appointment call Physio.co.uk on 0330 088 7800 or book online today.