What is PSWD?
Pulsed Shortwave diathermy (PSWD) uses high-frequency electromagnetic current to promote tissue healing and ease pain. This type of therapy has thermal (mild heating) and non-thermal effects and is effective at treating muscles, nerves, and areas of swelling.
When we use PWSD?
PSWD can be used to assist wound healing and treat haematoma, oedema and soft tissue injuries and wounds.
Above: Trigger point massage applied by an experienced physiotherapist
Benefits of PWSD?
PSWD therapy is primarily related to the inflammatory and repair phases in soft tissue injury. The effect is similar to ultrasound and laser therapy.
The benefits of PSWD include:
- Increasing blood flow to the affected area
- Decreasing inflammation
- Improving quality of repair
- Controlling pain
- Facilitating tissue repair by restoring normal cell function