What is fat pad contusion?
Fat pad contusion is an injury to the fat pad underneath the heel bone. Physiotherapy is important for a fat pad contusion.
How does fat pad contusion happen?
Fat pad contusion can be caused by a single trauma, such as landing on the heels onto a hard surface. It can also be caused by chronic overuse, such as repetitive heel strike in shoes with poor heel cushioning.
Above: Trigger point massage of the planta fascia under the foot.
What are the symptoms of fat pad contusion?
Fat pad contusion feels like a bruise on the under surface of the heel. Other symptoms may include:
What should I do if I have fat pad contusion?
If you have fat pad contusion, you should avoid weight-bearing on your heel and aggravating your injury. You should also arrange a physiotherapy appointment.
Above: Trigger point massage of the planta fascia under the foot.
What shouldn’t I do if I have fat pad contusion?
If you have fat pad contusion, you should not try to continue as normal through the pain, because it will not go away without treatment.
Physiotherapy treatment for fat pad contusion.
Your physiotherapist can provide padding for the area or cushioned heel cups to wear until the pain has settled. Your physiotherapist can also give you electrotherapy treatment to help accelerate your recovery. Other treatments include:
Could there be any long-term effects from fat pad contusion?
There are no long-term effects associated with fat pad contusion.
Above: Foot and ankle assessment conducted by specialist MSK physiotherapist
To arrange a physiotherapy assessment call Physio.co.uk on 0330 088 7800 or book online.